Name of the Rose update: Last weekend I was laid low by a flu-bug and just couldn’t concentrate on NotR, so I’m only up to the end of ‘Day Three’. The chesty cough I was left with from the flu-bug has this morning developed into pharyngitis – I have no voice at all, and a Read More
Category: KONDO Marie
Year end review #2: Reading Disappointments
The DNFs (Did Not Finish) A big fat zero! I have always had problems giving up on books, but occasionally I can bring myself to do it. However, this year – this hasn’t happened, despite a few disappointing reads detailed below. Reasons why? Some were review copies (mainly for Amazon Vine) that I was obliged Read More
I dared to read the book…
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo A few days ago, I posed the question Dare I read this book? Do read the earlier post for an introduction to this best-selling self-help book by the new young Japanese queen of decluttering. Well, your comments certainly emboldened me and I put the TBR Dare to one side Read More
Dare I read this book?
There are few things guaranteed to put fear into a book- lover’s life than the idea of getting rid of some books, and other stuff of course. My mind is starting to turn to the idea of downsizing – at some undecided point in the future – not now, but my house is so full of ‘stuff’ Read More