On April 3rd 2013 we were all stunned to see Iain Banks personal statement (click here to read) that he had terminal cancer and just months to live. There was an outpouring of deeply felt sympathy, and also a need to celebrate the wonderful catalogue of work from this brilliant author. Sadly Iain died on June 9th, just a few days before the publication of his final novel. R.I.P. Iain.
Ironically, in January 2013, I had planned a project for May to start reading and re-reading Banks – a month-long Banks Fest. However since the announcement, I changed plans. I have now revived them over eight years later to host:
BanksRead 2021

Join me from 10-18 April 2021 on an Iain Banks reading fest.
Banks Bibliography
Iain Banks
- The Wasp Factory [1984] – Review
- Walking on Glass [1985] – Review
- The Bridge [1986]
- Espedair Street [1987]
- Canal Dreams [1989]
- The Crow Road [1992]
- Complicity [1993]
- Whit [1995]
- A Song of Stone [1997] – Review
- The Business [1999]
- Dead Air [2002] – Review
- Raw Spirit (non-fiction) [2003]
- The Steep Approach to Garbadale [2007]
- Stonemouth [2012] – Review
- The Quarry [2013] – Review at Shiny New Books
- Poems – with Ken McLeod [2015] – Review
Iain M Banks
- Consider Phlebas [1987]
- The Player of Games [1988]
- Use of Weapons [1990]
- The State of the Art [1991]
- Against a Dark Background [1993]
- Feersum Endjinn [1994]
- Excession [1996
- Inversions [1998]
- Look to Windward
- The Algebraist [2004]
- Matter [2008]
- Transition [2009]
- Surface Detail [2010]
- The Hydrogen Sonata [2012]