If a picture paints a thousand words …

Recently Simon T at Stuck in a Book set a challenge. To find a picture that represents your reading tastes – he’s collating entries here. I thought for a while about this, and came up with two pictures – a cheat I know, but I couldn’t find a singleton.

This represents a lot of things to me …

  • A nice corner to curl up and read in.
  • Comfort – add a cup of tea and a cushion or two and it’s complete.
  • Red – my favourite colour (except I’m in an emerald green phase at the moment). Red is such an exciting, emotional colour, and I like exciting books.
  • Design – This oversized Conran ‘Matador’ armchair is just beautifully designed.  Just like a well-designed cover will draw me in.
  • Quirkiness – It’s oversized, a little bit daring.  I do love a dose of quirk in my reading!
  • It’s also perfectly formed, with no unecessary additions – Order – something I aspire to, but fear I’ll never attain.
  • This is the armchair for me – it’s on my wishlist!

But there is another less ordered side to my reading tastes…


This photo from an article in the Mirror about the average contents of a woman’s handbag represents …

  • Everything bar the kitchen sink – My books are wide-ranging with a bit of everything somewhere.
  • Disorder – viz the TBR mountains!

Please note I don’t read the Mirror (I just googled ‘Everything bar the kitchen sink’ and it came up with this article).

It was so much fun thinking about this, do have a go and link back to Simon.

This post was republished into its original place in my blog’s timeline from my lost posts archive

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