In a small attempt to focus my reading for the year, I’m going to make some Reading Resolutions again. Last year I was partially successful and it made for some fun when it came to check the stats, so here we go again! …
I resolve to:
1. As always, try and reduce the TBR mountains – goes without saying really. That also means acquiring less books – but I’m not going to impose any out and out purchasing restrictions. Instead I shall try to think more about all the good reads waiting that I already have.
2. Read the Canongate Myths series – This was one from last year that I failed to achieve at all, but if I make an effort to read one volume a month, it’ll be fun, and I love re-tellings of this kind.
3. Again try to read more books published before I was born. (Between you and me that means pre-1960). I’m thinking of finally getting to grips with Wodehouse for starters, and more Thomas Hardy.
4. Re-read a few books that I really enjoyed the first time around. Last year I revisited just one book fully and it was an excellent experience, so I should definitely do it again more often.
In my neverending hope of keeping the resolutions achieveable and simple, I think that’s enough! Have you made any reading resolutions for 2010?
P.S. Don’t forget my New Year Giveaway – see the post below…
As yet no real resolutions, though they are forming so I will report back in due course!
Simon – you already have your buying new books restriction though – it's a good start …
I have 8 well-thumbed Hardy books if you'd like to borrow them!
Dear Anonymous – aka 'Ray' – put them aside for me! I'll bring my copy of the Sedgwick Ransome book next time I see you.
Love Wodehouse, hate Hardy.I fail to keep reading resolutions – partly becaus eof the job, what i am reading is so often driven by what I am selling! I am impressed by your tenacity!
Juxtabook, the resolutions are instead of joining in other challenges etc in a way. Although I only achieved 2/4 this year, they did help me focus – well – just a little!
I want to read Wodehouse at some point, too! And to read more classics. Or just books that are out of my comfort zone. So many goals, so little likelihood of achieving them…