Raise a glass …

Still going through a forest of papers, and I’ve found a bundle from my late great-aunt Muriel which my Mum had kept.  For many years Muriel worked as Secretary to the Chairman of Beatson Clark in Rotherham – a company which makes still makes glass containers.

I found the programme for the Society of Glass Technology (Yorkshire Division) Christmas Dinner & Dance from 1961 – her boss was Chairman of the society at the time. The dinner was standard fare, followed by a series of formal toasts – so far so normal. Then I turned over to the back of the programme to find something that really tickled me so I thought I’d share with you here …


Place in your order of preference the following:

I like a glass container because-

1. It packs a wallop.
2. It contains more free ions.
3. It holds a long-playing “pop” record.
4. I never know when I’ll need it.
5. It has provided “bottled-electron” entertainment in the home.

Collect an entry-form from the table in the Ball-room, complete the form before the interval and retain a copy of your entry. The winning entry will be adjudged by our Chief Guest.

What fun they had! Hopefully they hadn’t drunk too much during the first half to understand it.   Now of course, having found this amusing and typed it all in, it’s probably only funny to anyone who knows a wee bit about glass, (I’m one which explains it).  But there’s nothing like a little competition at a dinner and dance to give a break from having to make small talk.  Cheers!

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