Paul Auster Reading Week: Wrap-up & Giveaway!

Thank you to everyone who has joined in the week of reading and talking about my favourite author – the week has gone so fast. A particular thank you to those who’ve been able to read and review books list below – very much appreciated. However, there have been some great discussions here and on twitter and I hope that for those of you yet to read any of his works – that you may be encouraged to give him a try one – and talking of that, here’s…


When 4-3-2-1 came out and I came into London to meet Auster at Faber’s HQ (yes, I know – I can’t stop going on about it), I went to the LRB Bookshop around the corner afterwards and they had an Auster promotion on. I bought 3 paperbacks, thinking I’d make space on my shelves by selling my first edition hardbacks of these three titles. What was I thinking!!! So I’ve still got those three brand new paperbacks – and I’m going to give them away. They are Timbuktu with its dog narrator (Rebecca’s review here), The Brooklyn Follies which is fab and funny, and Report from the Interior (Rebecca’s review here)- his most recent volume of memoir.

Simply say which one you’d prefer in the comments, or leave me to make a choice.

Sorry – UK only I’m afraid, I can’t afford overseas postage. The giveaway will end on Friday 28th.

Paul Auster Reading Week – the Reviews List:

A huge THANK YOU to all the reviewers above (links will be added to my PARW Project Page up top. I probably won’t run it again next year, but it’s a distinct possibility for the year after…

Do keep adding any late reviews and thoughts, as this post will remain sticky until the giveaway is over.

11 thoughts on “Paul Auster Reading Week: Wrap-up & Giveaway!

  1. Jonathan says:

    It’s been a fun week, it’s revived my interest in Auster’s work. Put me down for Timbuktoo, as I’ve never read it.

  2. Rebecca Foster says:

    You kept the first editions, right?! I’d love to read the one that’s new to me, The Brooklyn Follies, especially after your tempting review. Thanks for putting on this reading project. It’s been great fun discovering Auster’s work through my reading and others’ reviews. Count me in for next time!

  3. Lois Smith says:

    As a new reader of your blog (via desperate Reader) I’d be interested in ‘Report from the Interior’. I’m in a book group where we bring the book that we’re currently reading and ‘Brooklyn Follies’ had been enjoyed recently.

I love reading and responding to your comments - do share your thoughts...