Happy New Year!


Famous last words, but as I said yesterday, 2017 is the year i plan to:

Read where the mood takes me!

However, I do have loads of reviews left to post of books too interesting to forget about read at the end of last year, so I’ll be playing catch-up whilst getting into my new year of reading. Also Harriet and I will be revamping Shiny in a new format very soon.

There is lots to look forward to – some cracking new books out to look forward to, as well as all those old ones to catch up on. I wonder what my reading mood will be like around Jan 20th though? One thing I do know – 2016 was shit in so many ways, but it was full of great books to read. This bodes well for 2017…

I’m off to get reading!

9 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

    • AnnaBookBel says:

      As I effectively started just reading what I wanted to a couple of weeks ago, it’s already taken me to some great non-fiction places which was a real pleasure. Let’s see where 2017 goes for us both.

  1. Margaret @ BooksPlease says:

    Happy New Year Annabel – looking forward to seeing the revamped Shiny Books! My aim is much the same as yours – to read what I want when I want and to be relaxed about reading, so I’m cutting back on reading challenges this year.

    • AnnaBookBel says:

      Happy New Year to you too Margaret. Shiny plans will air soon (we must get you to do some more reviews for us if you’re up for it – in a relaxed way of course!)

  2. Alice says:

    Happy new year! My resolution is exactly the same, all other book goals just end up putting me off reading.

    I can’t wait to see the revamp at Shiny, very exciting!

    • AnnaBookBel says:

      Shiny revamp will look good I hope, but be more manageable for Harriet and I. If there’s any book you’d like to review for us in the next few months, that’s out soon – do let me know. 🙂

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