Bookmark for The Game of Kings

There is a cast list of major characters at the beginning of my edition of The Game of Kings.  For anyone joining in my Doing Dunnett readalong, I’ve made it into a bookmark which can be folded in half and glued/laminated should you so wish.

If we make it on to Queen’s play, I’ll do another…

7 thoughts on “Bookmark for The Game of Kings

  1. gaskella says:

    You’re welcome. I shamelessly nicked the idea from Dovegreyreader who made a bookmark for her War & Peace readalong.

  2. Alex says:

    Just like Helen (She Reads Novels), I’m half-way through the Niccolo series, so I’ll participate when I can, from memory. The first two in the Lymond series are though-going (but oh-so rewarding) and it’s a great idea to do it together with other people.

    Good luck!

  3. LizF says:

    I found the War & Peace one very useful (although I still haven’t finished it and suspect that I am going to have to start again from the beginning – some time!) and I am sure that this will be invaluable too as I recall being thoroughly confused as to who was who when I first read these.

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