Fancy joining me in reading something by the late, great, Iain Banks? Well, if you do, let’s do it together, whether you prefer his mainstream novels or science fiction.

I’m planning to re-read his second novel ‘Walking on Glass‘, and later ‘A Song of Stone‘, both of which are hazy memories, then I”ll turn to Dead Air, which is one of the few of his mainstream novels I haven’t read, and I have his book of poetry, co-authored with Ken McLeod too if I’m brave enough.
A list of his novels can be found here to help you should you decide to join me. Any time, from April 10-18.
It could be fun!
My library hold on Espedair Street is finally on its way to me — can you believe I was in a queue of three people for a 1987 release?! I’ll hope to coincide with your timings but might be a little behind. (Do you want to remove the spellcheck underline in your image above?)
I always miss those red wiggles (my brain thinks they won’t be saved in the final image obvs). At least it matches! I hope you enjoy Espedair St, it’s a good’un.
Yikes, would love to, but I’m already immersed in other reading this April. I may try to sneak something in though… at least one.
No worries, I realised after I picked my dates, I’d also picked the same week as 1936 week, but they fit for me in the Easter hols!
YES! I have Canal Dreams and A Song of Stone in the 746 – excellent!
It’d be lovely to have you join in.
I’ve never read Banks though my brother and Eldest Child are fans! I probably won’t get to join in because of 1936, but good luck – I shall follow along with interest!