When Facebook reminded me that I had memories from June 2016, I was shocked to think it was that long ago that I last hosted a Beryl Bainbridge Reading Week! Beryl is one of my favourite authors, and I first hosted a BBRW in 2012, repeating in in 2016. Amazingly I still have a few books of hers to read, and instantly wanted to host another event.

What dates to pick though?
Spring is now getting rather crowded with regular reading challenges. Until I started Nordic FINDS (which will be back for Jan 2024) I tended to host challenges in the second half of Feb, but after a month of Nordic reading, I need to be free to choose what I read.
So, I have opted for the second half of November, picking the week of Beryl’s birthday (Nov 21), and including both weekends! I know this overlaps with #NovNov, which I’m sure will return too, but as most of Beryl’s novels come in at sub-200 pages, they can be read for both challenges.
So, I invite you to join me in Reading Beryl between 18-26 November 2023. #ReadingBeryl23
There’s no need to sign up now. I will post a reminder in the autumn. Meanwhile, I do have a Reading Beryl project page HERE, where you can find details of all her books, and more.
Ah yes, a great opportunity to combine challenges! My library has a few of her books, so I’ll seek one out before November.
Il have a look at her books I have only read one book by her the bottle factory outing i enjoyed so will have see which I fancy from her backlist
I really recommend Injury Time Stu.
I second this recommendation!
Great news! I really enjoy Beryl. I have two in the TBR and they’re novellas too, so I will save them for November.
Great to see that you’re doing this again! I’ve only read two of Beryl’s novels (The Bottle Factory Outing and An Awfully Big Adventure – both excellent), so I’m keen to try another. A reminder nearer the time would be good. 🙂
I love Beryl Bainbridge so this will be a good challenge to join, I hope I remember.
I’ll be posting a reminder nearer the time, don’t worry.
Excellent! I must see if I have one of her shorter books so that I can double up on #NovNov
I’m delighted by this news. Unbelievably, despite loving Beryl from reading Injury Time 25 years ago and watching the documentary her grandson made in 2007, I’ve only read two of her books – the aforementioned Injury Time and Every Man For Himself. I’ve got A Weekend With Claude (picked up in a book sale at my local independent bookshop earlier this year) lined up for Novellas in November and will make a note to read it during Reading Beryl week.
I’ll also be checking out your Reading Beryl page. Thanks, Annabel!
Thanks Jan!
Combining November challenges is a good idea; last year I read a book that fit three of them (NovNov, NonficNov, and German Lit Month), if BB wrote nonfic in German, I could have had her fit four 😀 But jokes aside, she is an author I’ve been meaning to read, so I will try to find somethinga nd join in.
I love combining challenges. I dithered over November as it’s crowded, but that’s her birth month so it seemed appropriate, especially since most of her novels are novellas.