This had me in fits …

Browsing in my super-local-indie-bookshop Mostly Books yesterday, my eye was drawn to this sitting by the till… Wendy: The Bumper Book of Fun for Women of a Certain Age by Jenny Eclair and Judith Holder. It’s a girl’s type annual for grumpy old women by one of the sharpest comedians on the planet.

I only had to open the front cover and I nearly dropped it in paroxsysms of laughter. They’ve created Top Totty pin-ups by pasting celeb heads onto other pictures – and there on the inside cover was Paxo’s head on a Val Doonican bejumpered body, and facing him was Richard Madeley in a limo in a posing pouch! There are many more delights inside – all the articles you might expect in a Jackie-style teenage comic are there – given the GOW treatment. It’s hilarious all the way through – It would be an ideal bog-book for girls – though as any fule kno, we of course don’t spend hours reading on the toilet.

Just one major drawback – whereas the Q.I. Annual has a list price of £12.99 and you can get it for about half that online, Wendy is £18.99 and you can’t get it for less than £12 at the moment, thus rather limiting its use as a stocking filler …

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