Sophie Hannah Giveaway

See the post preceding this one for an account of my fab evening in the company of Sophie Hannah last night.

I bought an extra copy of her latest paperback, A Room Swept White which she kindly signed to giveaway.  (It’s not out in the shops until later next week.)

Plus I have a spare copy of her fourth novel The Other Half Lives to give away too – yes I managed to buy it twice – shocking!  This one isn’t signed.

The giveaway is open worldwide and I will make the draw on Sunday evening.

Just leave your name in the comments.

It would be nice if you could also recommend your favourite mystery book/writer.

0 thoughts on “Sophie Hannah Giveaway

  1. Mystica says:

    I wrote in the wrong post so here I go again!

    My favourite mystery author – have several P D James, Agatha Christie, Elizabeth Peters to name a few.

    Please count me in.

    • gaskella says:

      Sorry there was a gap of ten minutes between posts going up.

      I don’t know Elizabeth Peters at all…

  2. savidgereads says:

    I have just read the fourth so am hankering for A Room Swept White, espeically as its signed hahaha. Now then my favourite criem writer… ooooh Sophie is one, Susan Hill another, Kate Atkinson is AMAZING and Gerritsen I have big guilty pleasure love for. I also love Agatha Christie and Conan Doyle, those would be my two fav’s!

  3. gaskella says:

    I’ve not read any of KA’s crime novels. In fact, I’ve only read her very first book, which I didn’t particularly enjoy, although that was years and years ago and my tastes have changed (matured?) quite a bit – I should try her again. I keep meaning to read some more Gerritsen too – I have several in the TBR.

  4. Steph says:

    I’ve been on a bit of a book acquisition ban, but I’ll of course make an exception for Sophie Hannah… 😉

    My favourite thriller author is Tana French, which is probably not at all exciting for you given how she and Hannah are purportedly quite good friends and like each others fiction a good deal! But it’s true!

    I wouldn’t normally consider Joanne Harris a thriller writer, but her novel Gentlemen & Players is certainly an amazing example of the genre and is SO GOOD. Loved it! For more straightforward mysteries, I’ve really been enjoying Laurie R King’s Mary Russell’s series of late.

    • gaskella says:

      Steph – As it happens, I’ve just read Gentlemen and Players and I loved it – my review will come next week. I’ve yet to read Tana French, but after various recommendations I’m going to search her out. I don’t know Laurie R King…

  5. Kerry says:

    My favourite mystery writer is Kate Atkinson- I love all her books not just the mysteries.

    I also really like Reginald Hill- ‘Bones and Silence ‘ which is set around a Mystery Play is probably my favourite.

  6. chasing bawa says:

    I’ve seen a lot of great reviews for Sophie Hannah’s books. Intrigued! Some of my favourite mystery writers are David Roberts (Edward Corinth and Verity Browne mysteries), Paul Doherty, Susanna Gregory, Fred Vargas and Preston Child. Oh, and I love Dorothy Sayers, Margery Allingham and PD James. Getting carried away here so I’ll stop now 😉

  7. Carol Wong says:

    My favorite for this year is a new writer, Reece Hirsch.
    His The Insider is great with lots of suspense and unexpected results. I have never had the chance of reading any of Sophie Hannah’s books. Very happy to have the chance!

  8. LizF says:

    Do read Tana French, you will love her. I’ll second Tess Gerritsen and suggest Jo Nesbo (Norwegian crime), Fred Vargas (quirky but v good) and Christobel Kent’s books set in Florence which feature Sandro Cellini (he first appears in A Florentine Revenge and there are two others). Just read, and adored, Ariana Franklin’s latest historical mystery The Assassin’s Prayer, the fourth of a series about a Sicilian female doctor in Henry 2nd’s England – the series starts with Mistress of the Art of Death and there isn’t a bad one.
    Not sure that you would like Elizabeth Peters – I quite like the Gothic mysteries that she writes as Barbara Michaels (loved the very creepy The Crying Child when I was a teenager!) but found her Amelia Peabody books all but unreadable when I tried them last year!

  9. Tracey says:

    My Favourites are PD James, Dorothy L Sayers, Edmund Crispin, Christie, and my latest fave R.N. Morris (crime, Russia and history, what more could you need?)

    Not read Sophie Hannah yet , but I have heard good things about the books.

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