Shiny New Books Issue 11

SNB logo mediumIssue 11 of Shiny New Books was published this morning – I got up early to do most of the admin, and then went back to bed!

This issue, with everyone still reeling after the Brexit vote, the Shiny Eds had a great discussion about European Culture on the page and screen. It would be lovely if any of you want to join in and post a comment on that post – head off over here. We really do  your comments.

As always, I’ve contributed a handful of reviews:

With 58 pages of new reviews and articles, I hope that you’ll find something in Shiny New Books to add to your wishlists!

4 thoughts on “Shiny New Books Issue 11

    • AnnaBookBel says:

      It’s a joint effort, so I should thank my co-editors who do all of the proof-reading, and I always need Simon to iron things out on the day with any little site niggles.

  1. Alice says:

    It’s been another wonderful edition, I loved your review of The Girls.

    It’s convinced me I need to read The Essex Serpent ASAP, so many people have loved it.

    • AnnaBookBel says:

      Thanks Alice. I’ve seen so much written about The Girls, it was doubly difficult to write my own take on it. I *MUST* read The Essex Serpent too!

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