Probability Angels by Joseph Devon

I won a copy of this book on a giveaway over at Me and My Big Mouth. Based on the snippet of blurb it sounded quirky and intriguing. I was surprised when it arrived on the doormat, as a) it was sent out from the USA, and b) it turns out that the author Joseph Devon is a self-publisher. I’m grateful to him for sending it at his own expense, especially as it’s not available in the UK yet.

It’s starts off being about a chap who’s dead, (you presume he’s an angel), and what happens to him when his wife then dies. It turned out to be rather different to what I’d expected – less Five people you meet in heaven and more Dawn of the Dead! Not my usual type of reading, but that’s not to say that it wasn’t an enjoyable read for a change.

For a dark fantasy it discussed many interesting notions about afterlife and the choices people make; that angels can get involved in steering peoples’ lives, and what angels do when they get tired of bring angels etc. Then when the zombies get introduced, it becomes more of a classic good versus evil battle and chase. Good fun and I wish him luck with it.

0 thoughts on “Probability Angels by Joseph Devon

  1. Mickeyfreebs says:

    I’m glad you linked to the Meandmybigmouth book blog – it looks good and I’ve added it to my favourites.Michaela

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