Oxford Bookbloggers meet

A group of eight bookbloggers met last night at an Oxford pub – appropriately named ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’. (Good ale, no big screens, decent standard pub food). It was a shame more couldn’t come, the date ended up clashing for few, but those of us there had a lovely evening of mainly (ahem!) bookish discussions – OK we did digress into theatre, movies, and even Emmerdale, but we did talk about books a lot too. We also did our unseasonal secret Santa bookswap – and everyone seemed very happy with the books they got.  No-one took a picture sadly, but here’s who came apart from me …

  • Simon T – of Stuck in a Book – thank you for doing the organising, Simon.
  • Peter who comments as Dark Puss, and blogs about all sorts at Morgana’s cat speaks – you must see the picture of  the steampunk librarian that he has commissioned – it’s fantastic and beautiful.
  • Harriet Devine who blogs here.
  • David Hebblethwaite of Follow the Thread.
  • Sakura from Chasing Bawa.
  • Jackie from Farm Lane Books, poor Jackie got stuck in the traffic but we were delighted to see her when she reached us.
  • Becca who blogs at Oxford reader.

It was a lovely evening, and I really hope we do organise more of these gettogethers. Regardless of how many come, it’s so lovely to make new friends and meet up with old ones –  and with our love of literature (and telly), we’ll never run out of things to talk about.

P.S.  The second annual charity ‘Mostly Bookbrains’ quiznight will take place at the Manor Prep School in Abingdon on Tuesday Nov 9th.  It’s in aid of the Friends of Abingdon Museum appeal, and I’m quizmaster.  I’m hoping Simon will organise a team – Tickets will be available  from Mostly Books soon.

0 thoughts on “Oxford Bookbloggers meet

  1. Becca says:

    It was great to meet you properly, and I’ll make sure we get to the quiz! Best go start swotting on science fiction and listen to lots of audio books ……

  2. savidgereads says:

    I was very sorry not to be there but as the heading off to Brazil gets nearer the weekends are vanishing and my Mum came to stay. Otherwise would have been there like a shot!

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