My Reading Resolutions for 2009 – How did I do #2

On Sunday I told you about the results of my first Reading Resolution that I made for 2009 – here’s the second. I said ‘I will read the Canongate Myths series of books’. Here they are sitting together on the shelf; at the start of the year I already owned the first eight, since added the ninth, and the latest additions are on order as we speak (Hurricane Party by Klas Ostergren, and Baba Yaga laid an Egg by Dubravka Ugresic). But did I get round to reading any of them? …

The answer is in the visible shrinkwrap still on the signed boxed set of the first three that my other half gave me two or three Christmases ago. Sadly no.

But why? I love re-tellings of myths and legends and fairy tales … often, nothing excites me more reading wise. The real problem is that they were essentially hidden in the TBR mountain by then, and as you’ll see from my previous post, I read so many brand new books in 2009 , I didn’t have time for much else.

Once I got invited to join Amazon Vine which gets you free new books to review, plus Librarything Early Reviewers one and occasional publisher freebies, there’s little time to delve into the TBR mountains. So you can see I’m continuing totry to talk myself into seriously reducing the number of books I acquire… more of that in my Reading Resolutions for 2010 I think.


0 thoughts on “My Reading Resolutions for 2009 – How did I do #2

  1. Juxtabook says:

    Oh the heaps of the TBR piles! They do get in the way 🙂 I really enjoyed the Margaret Atwood The Penelopiad – well worth making time for when you get the chance.

  2. Kirsty says:

    Yes, I enjoyed The Penelopiad too, but the standout book in the series for me is Ali Smith's 'Girl Meets Boy'. A simply stunning little book that's as close to perfect in my opinion as it's possible to get. She just chooses all the right words at all the right times. All that and a happy ending too!

  3. Annabel Gaskell says:

    Juxtabook, Kirsty, They're definitely going back into the 2010 reading resolutions! Maybe one per month …

  4. savidgereads says:

    I need to have a look at my resolutions for this year but I have a feeling that I have failed them all quite possibly, its somewhat disheartening but there is always next year.

  5. Aarti says:

    I think my only reading goal for 2009 was to read more, which I did. I will have more targeted goals for 2010- I'm like you, though. With all the review copies coming in, it's hard to keep up with the TBR list! But hopefully I'll get more balanced in 2010… or something.

  6. Michelle (su[shu]) says:

    Late comment, but couldn't resist saying that I love that you made a resolution to read the Canongate Myths Series. I've only read two from the series so far, and I'd really love to read the whole series.I see you've got Karen Armstrong's book coming up soon. Am definitely looking forward to your thoughts.

  7. Annabel Gaskell says:

    I'm definitely going to read the lot this year. I just got a ARC of the latest one too, so will be reading from both ends of the list!

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