Leonard Nimoy – R.I.P.

I wasn’t going to post this weekend and I don’t usually write RIP pieces, but the death of Leonard Nimoy yesterday did bring a tear to my eye, and a smile too as many fond memories were evoked.

Although he had a varied career as actor and director, he will forever be Mr Spock for me. I grew up with the half Vulcan, half human who kept Captain Kirk in line, made it alright to be different, yet had such dignity.

The Telegraph has put together a wonderful collection of clips, tweets, tributes and links here, but below is Nimoy’s last tweet…  LLAP is, of course the Vulcan greeting ‘Live Long and Prosper’. We’ll miss him.

3 thoughts on “Leonard Nimoy – R.I.P.

  1. Alex says:

    Following hard on the heels of the death of RSC actor, Alan Howard, this hit me hard. I feel as if major parts of my early life are being ripped away.

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