Get ‘Educated’ in Abingdon

Coming soon – an evening with Tara Westover

The next book I’ll be reading will be Educated by Tara Westover (right).

Published this week, Tara’s memoir is of growing up off-grid in the hills of Idaho sounds fascinating. Her father spent his time preparing for the end of the world, her mother worked as an unqualified midwife to the women of the community, and a brace of brothers and sisters kept things busy. Most of her siblings didn’t exist insofar as authority was concerned – no birth certificates, no schooling, no medical care and Tara didn’t get a birth certificate until she was nine.  She didn’t set foot in a classroom before the age of 17 and yet, by 27, she had earned a PhD in Intellectual History from Cambridge University.

Now she has written a book about her unconventional childhood, and is on tour to promote it, including coming to my town, Abingdon.  I said I’d help the bookshop out with a plug. Here are the details:

Date: Wednesday 14th March
Venue: Fitzharrys School,, Northcourt Road, Abingdon
Time:  7.30om.
Price: £5 (including a drink and £2 off the price of the book on the evening, which Tara can sign for you.)
Get your tickets from Mostly Books  – ring 01235 525880 to find out more.

If you’ve read the book but can’t come to this evening, (other events are available too), I can ask her questions for you. However, if you’re local I’m sure this will be a fascinating author event, and you’ll be supporting a fab independent bookshop too – I’ll see you there maybe?

3 thoughts on “Get ‘Educated’ in Abingdon

  1. drlauratisdall says:

    I’m really looking forward to reading this book and would have loved to come to this event. Unfortunately when I lived in Oxford it would have been easy enough but I’ve now moved to Newcastle! Hope it goes really well.

  2. Rebecca Foster says:

    It’s an excellent book, sure to make my end-of-year best list. (My review is forthcoming at BookBrowse; I’d hoped to interview Westover as well, but her schedule was too full.) I hope you’ll write up the event so I can hear what she’s like and what insights she adds into her life and the book.

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