Another OK-ish teen paranormal romance

The Immortals: Evermore by Alison Noel

Let me tell you what I liked in this book:
+ There is a ghost that steals every scene she’s in;
+ The heroine has psychic powers that she struggles to control;
+ There are no vampires;
+ The heroine is not quite as squeaky clean as a certain other heroine;
+ The language of flowers;
+ It’s a quick and easy read.

Now let me tell you what I didn’t like so much in this book:
– Damen, Ever, Haven – silly names – Sorry!
– Damen just seemed not to care enough, unlike a certain other hero;
– Ever wasn’t really angsty enough;
– Summerland was confusing, I don’t believe Drina couldn’t find it;
– The red drink they had to imbibe reminded me of ‘Trublood’.
– The Immortals seemed just like vampires who didn’t kill – hang on, isn’t that in another book?

So on balance  6+ and 6- = OK.  Younger teens will probably love this book. Me, I’m over forty and need good writing, more plot and characterisation, but what do I know! (5.5/10)

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