For my 2021 reading goals I had simplified things down to just two targets.
- Diversity in reading – I hope to increase reading in translation and by BAME authors. However, my male:female reading ratio will be what it will be – I do not choose books because of the author’s gender, never have.
- Joining in elsewhere – basically, whenever I can. Bring on the themed reading months and weeks.
How did I do?
I think I smashed it!
- I read 24% (36 books) in translation from a wider range of countries than ever, although South America wasn’t represented this year, and I would like to read more by African authors. I’ve only just started recording authors of colour on my spreadsheet, so we’ll see next year.
- I joined in all over the place – see part 1 of my review of the year for all the details – it was great fun!
What will I do for 2022?
More of both of the above for sure, but I’m upping the translation stakes by hosting not one but two themed reading projects this year. The first heralded by my choice of a Nordic scene for my header picture today…
- Nordic FINDS launches on Monday – five weeks of reading from the five Nordic countries – Finland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. One week each.
- Quindicina Italiana – Italian Fortnight – over the end of July and beginning of August.
Will I read as many books in 2022 as 2021? I’ll try – I watch a bit less telly these days, which gives more time for reading. It’d be great to keep the page count up (nearly 38k). I do love shorter novels and novellas so much, so hope to manage at least my Goodreads target of 130 (up from 125).
P.S. Six Degrees of Separation coming later today.
Good luck with your goals!
Thanks Shelleyrae, and happy reading in 2022 for you too.
I’ve a feeling your Nordic Finds may well expand my TBR list
And mine! There are so many great Nordic authors I’ve not got to yet. Happy reading in 2022.
Great plans. I’m hoping to participate in your Nordic challenge. Are you looking at Nordic fiction only? Is non-fiction allowed?
Hi Imogen, thank you for your interest. I shall be only reading fiction, but you are more than welcome to join in with NF at any time during the month. Glad to have you along.
Well done Annabel! Looking forward to joining in with both of your events!!
That’s a very inspiring set of goals! Last year I semi-discovered Nordic fiction and loved what I read. How does NF work? Does everyone read/comment on the same book, or simply make a point of reading works from the five countries?
Any books from the five countries welcome.
Fabulous! I have some Nordic reading lined up, so hopefully I’ll be participating!
Good luck with your goals. I, of course, mostly read translations or directly from English. One of my goals this year will be to read at least one book every month from authors outside the English/Swedish language range. It will be interesting to discover authors from other countries. January will be great since I will read authors from at least three different countries with the Nordic FINDS challenge. I have already started the Danish one, The Last Good Man by A.J. Kazinsky. So good and captivating I had to read too long into the night. It is a thriller.
Excellent news! Thank you so much for joining in.
All the best with your reading goals. Nordic finds sounds really tempting but I want to also join in on the Japanese lit challenge.
In case you hadn’t noticed, the Jap Lit Challenge runs until the end of March – I’ll be joining in next month! 😀
True, let me see. I think I’ve confused myself reading about a parallel prompt JanuaryinJapan. This time I’ve set up literary events page in my planner just to keep things straight. Let’s hope it helps
I’m looking forward to Nordic FINDS – do you have a hashtag for it for Twitter, etc.?
All will be revealed tomorrow with the launch, but #NordicFINDS will be the hashtag.
You certainly smashed that translated fiction goal. If you’re looking for more African authors, this might be a good resource
Thanks Karen – what a great resource – I’ve bookmarked it to go back to.